N only concept

In: Examined planes

To describe the N only concept, the reference to Bannantine & Socie (BS) concept is advisable. If the BS concept checks planes expecting either normal or shear mode crack initiation, here only the planes with the normal line perpendicular to the normal line of the free surface are evaluated (the left picture from the two pictures below).

This concept is used in FemFat and was therefore introduced also to PragTic in order to evaluate its qualities. As in the BS concept, if the optimization of the search is switched on, it is applied only in the direction over the surface - the perpendicularity of both normal lines is preserved.

Note: I (Jan Papuga, author) do not know, why the shear mode of initiation should be excluded from the search for the critical plane. I do not recommend to use this option for any other method than the LESA method, where it is enabled only due to expected check withFemFat.


critical plane methods

Optimize <1~yes, 0~no>

Bannantine-Socie concept

globe analogy concept

random concept

Calculation Methods dialogue

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